2015年7月23日 星期四

B101 Dispenser



4 Stage Filter : 1,Sediment  
                          3,Silver Carbon & Alkaline & UF Menbrane   
Hot & Ambient

Alkaline Ionized Water or Miracle Water?

Many claims on the healing powers of miracle waters in France, Germany, Mexico, and various parts of the world have surfaced over the past century. Clinical test results have shown these waters to contain a very strong reducing agent known as active hydrogen. These are Hydroxyl Ions (OH) and they are basically free electrons(antioxidants) ready to neutralize any free radical found anywhere in your body!

How Many Fruits Can We Eat A Day?

We are all aware that a diet of fruits and vegetables can provide many health benefits including lowering the risk of cancer, heart diseases, and many other modern-day diseases.
By taking foods that contain high levels of antioxidants, we can slow down and even prevent the onset of these diseases. Antioxidant foods include oranges, apples, green beans, spinach, pumpkins, tomatoes, and a whole range of fruits and vegetables. But how many oranges and apples can we eat in a day to consume the optimal amount of antioxidants?

The Importance of Drinking Quality Water

It is recommended that the average human drink between 2 and 3 litres of water a day. The human body is made of two/thirds water and without the proper replenishment we suffer from dehydration, the results of which include tiredness, migraine, muscle cramps, constipation, dry skin and irregular blood pressure.
Quality drinking water should be free of biological, chemical and physical contaminants. Below we will discuss the problems that arise from the different sources of drinking water.

